Forum Etiquette - Printable Version

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Forum Etiquette - lgarza - 09-10-2023

Etiquette tips while using the forum:
  • Avoid using ALL CAPS because viewers will perceive your post as angry or hostile, and you may get fewer responses.
  • Write in full sentences and avoid abbreviations whenever possible.
  • Be friendly and courteous in your posts and replies.
  • Do not use foul or abusive language; your post will be deleted if you do.
  • Describe your question carefully and clearly; be as precise as possible.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge. Your questions and answers should reflect the research you have already done.
  • State your programming language where applicable.
  • Stick to the facts.
  • Describe the goal first. Be articulate about what you are trying to accomplish before you describe how you or your team are going about accomplishing a goal.
  • Remember that for FLL, your team is supposed to solve the individual missions. It is probably not a good idea to ask for help on a specific mission because most people are reluctant to share how their team will solve a mission. You can, however, ask questions about rule interpretation or share general strategy.
  • Don't forget to follow up on your question. Did someone help you find the answer you were looking for? Great. You will want to thank people for their help.